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Managing ADHD, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

For individuals with ADHD, rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)

is a heightened sensitivity to perceived or actual rejection, leading to intense emotional reactions. This sensitivity can affect well-being and relationships significantly. ADHD rejection sensitive dysphoria is very common amongst young people and adults with ADHD.

ADHD often amplifies rejection sensitivity due to its unique challenges, such as difficulty focusing and regulating emotions, making social interactions more challenging.

Living with RSD can feel overwhelming, magnifying the impact of perceived rejection, even if unintended, in various life areas, including personal relationships and academics.

It’s crucial to recognize that RSD stems from neurobiology, not personal weakness.

People experiencing rejection sensitive dysphoria might display the following actions:

  1. Unanticipated emotional eruptions triggered by actual or perceived criticism or rejection.
  2. Retreat from social gatherings.
  3. Engage in self-destructive thoughts and negative self-talk.
  4. Steer clear of social environments where they fear potential failure or criticism, sometimes making it difficult to differentiate from Social Anxiety Disorder.
  5. Endure diminished self-worth and a distorted self-view.
  6. Persistently engage in self-criticism, becoming their own antagonist.
  7. Experience persistent thoughts and fixation on specific issues.
  8. Encounter challenges in relationships, feeling under constant attack and reacting defensively.

    Seeking support is essential for those experiencing RSD, involving building a support network, learning coping strategies, and practicing self-compassion. These aim to help people with ADHD, better manage rejection sensitive dysphoria

    At Deeper Potential, we provide resources and support for individuals with ADHD to raise awareness and empower those affected by ADHD and rejection sensitivity.

    ADHD Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, Deeper Potential Coaching

    Our RSD Support Group

    For individuals who experience the challenges of ADHD, our RSD Support Group is here to provide a safe and understanding space. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) can intensify emotional responses to perceived rejection, causing distress and impacting overall well-being. At our support group, we recognize the unique struggles faced by those with ADHD. We aim to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment. Our mission is to create a community where individuals can find solace, learn valuable coping strategies, and build strong connections. Join us and discover the strength in unity and understanding.