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Mindful Meditation

What is mindful meditation? 

The first question to ask is, what is mindfulness and what is meditation?

Mindfulness is the ability to be in full awareness and conscious of our surroundings and what happens within us. Mindfulness invites us to bring acceptance, curiosity and non-judgement of our experiences. It has been scientifically proven to improve stress and our overall wellbeing. Mindful meditation classes allow participants to tune into their immediate surroundings with interest, openness and present awareness. This helps alleviate stress, to find greater relaxation and ease.

Deeper Potential mindful meditation classes provide relief from the pressures of daily life to find greater mental, emotional and physical ease. Learning to relate to yourself and others with interest, curiosity and compassion are helpful attitudes in our daily lives. Deeper Potential meditation practices involve light movement, deepening awareness of the body, breath, sensory experiences, thoughts and emotions.

Meditation is an opportunity to get to know oneself. Providing an opportunity for each individual to hold space for and embrace all aspects of our experiences. The journey within is an opportunity to connect with the self, others and the Universe, providing a unique self-healing process.

Subscribe to receive the benefits of Dan’s free guided meditations here

Deeper Potential utilises a mindfulness-based approach to meditation, aiming to bring meditation to people with different levels of experience. Deeper Potential offers workplace meditation classes in Melbourne, as well as in community groups and other settings. The general aim of a workplace meditation class is to provide an experience and tools to help relieve stress, unwind and refocus. To book a  free workplace meditation class, or a personalised meditation planclick here.

Mindful Meditation, Deeper Potential Coaching

Yoga Nidra Therapy

Yoga Nidra is a deeply restful and relaxing technique of meditation which encourages deep mental, physical and emotional relaxation. It is practices during shavasana, or lying on your back. Yoga nidra uses a process of guided mental rotation of the body to lead you into a hypnagogic state – the state between wakefulness and sleep. This state is associated with mental clarity, creativity and ease, which makes it the perfect environment for developing new ideas or solutions to problems. Yoga Nidra is evidence-based and has also been proven to help process and treat stress, anxiety and trauma.

You can also tune into Dan’s guided Yoga Nidra Practice here.

Deeper Potential is a trained Yoga Nidra practitioner. For a complimentary initial consult and development of a personalised Yoga Nidra practice, contact Dan.

Mindfulness Coaching Program

Mindfulness coaching aims to help you relieve stress by tapping into the benefits of mindfulness practice.

Deeper Potential mindfulness coaching involves 6 structured, 1- hour sessions providing you the tools and skills to help you adopt a mindful approach in your daily life. The mindfulness coaching program takes place either online via zoom, or in person and will teach you about the philosophy of mindfulness, guide you into mindfulness meditation practices and give you practical exercises to take with you. Mindfulness coaching will give you strategies to apply, to benefit your quality of living for the rest of your life.

The Mindfulness Coaching Program includes:

  • 6 x 1 hour mindfulness coaching sessions either online or in person.
  • Take home life-changing tools and strategies to apply in your daily life.
  • Theory and knowledge to support your practice.
  • Guided recordings to listen to.
  • Summary of the theory and knowledge from each session

To discuss how the Mindfulness Coaching Program can help you, contact Dan for an intake consultation.

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