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ADHD Coach Melbourne

An ADHD Coach

Is someone professionally trained to work with people who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Deeper Potential is a coach in Melbourne who specialises in working with people who have ADHD. The role of the ADHD Coach is to help the client implement a designated program of systems and strategies. The program is designed to help the client overcome the common challenges of ADHD so they can reach their desired goals.  Contact us to find out how an ADHD coach can help you.

The common challenges of ADHD include:

Inattention/Difficulty Focusing;



Difficulty with decision-making/executive functioning;



Low mood/depressive episodes;

and a range of other challenges.

ADHD Coaching takes a holistic approach towards looking at the range of life factors which may be contributing to these difficulties. Deeper Potential helps clients with ADHD by implementing greater structure and routine in their lives. Through living a more structured life, people with ADHD are able to follow through on more meaningful action towards their goals.

Often due to a lifetime of struggles and challenges, people with ADHD lack the confidence to succeed in their lives. Do you struggle with confidence? Negative belief patterns are very common for people with ADHD. Deeper Potential works with clients to help them gain a stronger, more permanent sense of confidence, so that you can apply yourself towards new tasks with greater confidence.

How to receive an ADHD Diagnosis?

Receiving an ADHD diagnosis in Melbourne can be a lengthy process. To receive a diagnosis, there are several steps you must take:

  • Consult a GP, who is able to support ADHD treatment.
  • Ask your GP for a referral to a Psychiatrist who specialises in ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
  • Fill out the relevant forms, submit required information and receive assessment from the Psychiatrist.
  • Receive diagnosis and treatment plan for ADHD.
  • Seek follow-up support and review from GP, to receive medication treatment and general health advice. Or, seek follow up review from Treating Psychiatrist.                            

Often, there are lengthy waiting-lists when seeking Psychiatric support, to receive an ADHD diagnosis in Australia. To fast-track this process, Deeper Potential recommends the services of Dr Nadi Radhakrishna, of Mind at Peace Psychiatry. Mind at Peace Psychiatry, provides a seamless telehealth service which allows patients to receive the nurture, care and support required to get their ADHD under control and life back on track.

What you can work towards with Deeper Potential ADHD Coaching Melbourne

Towards Self Assurance.

Greater Confidence.

Greater certainty and clarity.

Clearing decision making.

Greater Focus.

Improved Productivity.

Time and Task Management Skills.

Achieving more positive outcomes.

ADHD Coaching Melbourne, Deeper Potential Coaching

Our signature ADHD Course

For aspiring entrepreneurs and people with ADHD who are looking to succeed. ADHD Ambition is a structured program designed to lead you towards the success you have always dreamed of reaching. A 6-module program with the ingredients to help you master the habits and systems to thrive. We have designed ADHD Ambition with you in mind. The perfect program to compliment Deeper Potential ADHD Coaching! You can click here to join.